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Impressions from the DNP Fall Meeting by Sara Jane

To bring light to the experiences of attendees of their meeting, the Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) of APS, have created a compendium of their stories in the form of a diary. This includes entries such as:

" Thursday 10:00 a.m.

Eric said my talk went fine and Matt said I looked very professional. Still, I feel terrible... I am disappointed that my advisor didn’t turn up but much worse was this creepy guy in the front row. He stared at my ankles the ENTIRE TIME! I would walk from one side to the other and his eyes would follow my ankles. I am wearing a skirt below the knees and normal flat shoes, so I don’t understand his focus. It was creepy and I felt so vulnerable. "

By sharing these stories problems can be identified and hopefully it can result in some insight on how to create a more welcoming climate for all scientists.

Read the full compendium here:


If anyone reading this has experienced similar indidents at McGill the Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education (OSVRSE) is a resource that you can find here:

They offer information and workshops but also ofefr support and can take disclosures concering all type of sexual violence.

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