STEMM Diversity raffle
STEMM Diversity @ McGill is launching a raffle with the grand prize of a sight-seeing tour of downtown Montreal in a Cessna C172. Drop by...
Inclusive Leadership and Peer Supports
Tuesday, March 27 2018, 10:30 AM to12:00 PM Service Point - Room MS-74 3415 McTavish Street How can you be an effective ally for people...
"Science Moms" Film Screening and Panel Discussion
26 March 2018 20:00 to 21:30 801 Sherbrooke St. W., Frank Dawson Adams (FDA) Auditorium, 3450 Rue University, Montreal, QC, H3A 2A7, CA...
Making Memes: Equity and diversity in STEMM
Thursday March 22, 13:00 - 15:00, Leacock 738, McGill University This workshop will open dialogue about issues related to race, class,...
Conference: Women in Physics Canada
UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKE JULY 17-20, 2018 The 7th edition of the Women in Physics Canada (WIPC 2018) Conference will be held from July...
Mini-Science 2018: Women in science at McGill
Tracy Webb will be giving this weeks lecture (Wednesday March 14th) at the mini-science 2018 This year's Mini-Science presents a unique...
Women's Health Conference
2018 Theme: Women's Reproductive Health Tuesday, March 13, 2018 5 - 8 PM, University Centre/SSMU - Room Lev Bukhman Are you passionate...
Support the march for Science of Montreal!
The March for Science is a non-partisan, grassroots movement that celebrates the contribution of Science to society and humanity and they...
International Women's Day
As you may know tomorrow (March 8) is the International Women's Day, a day to recognize women's achievements and acknowledge the...