Women's Week 2020
In honour of International Women's Day, a group of over 30 clubs and services on campus are organizing a whole week's worth of amazing...
Women In Physics Event Calendar!
Do you want to follow our events? Our Google events calendar is available to subscribe to here! (You can even add Google calendars to...
Scavenger Hunt!
Women in Physics welcome you to the semester with a Scavenger Hunt! Thursday October 3rd 5pm Rutherford Boardroom (Room 103) 8pm after...
Making Memes: Equity and diversity in STEMM
Thursday March 22, 13:00 - 15:00, Leacock 738, McGill University This workshop will open dialogue about issues related to race, class,...
Mini-Science 2018: Women in science at McGill
Tracy Webb will be giving this weeks lecture (Wednesday March 14th) at the mini-science 2018 This year's Mini-Science presents a unique...
Indigenous Knowledge(s) and Science Education
On Thursday February 22nd, the WiP is inviting Eun-Ji Amy Kim, PhD Candidate in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education at...
Cafe Collab
WiP is excited to announce that we will be partnering with Cafe Collab this year in our two-part Diversifying Rutherford series. We will...